Saturday Serendipity
Quote, How to win by exploiting unrecognised simplicities, Interesting find.
Reading time: About 3 minutes
“There must certainly be a vast fond of stupidity in human nature, else men would not be caught as they are, a thousand times over, by the same snare, and while they yet remember their past misfortunes, go on to court and encourage the
causes to which they are owing, and which will again produce them.”- Marcus Porcius Cato (Roman statesman and writer, 234-149 BC)
How to Win by exploiting unrecognised simplicities
“I ask for a show of hands for how many of you think human beings are all alike?
I get no hands.
Then I ask for a show of hands for how many of you want any of the following five things:
To be paid attention to. [ALL HANDS GO UP]
To be listened to. [ALL HANDS GO UP]
To be respected. [ALL HANDS GO UP]
To be loved. [ALL HANDS GO UP]
To have meaning. [ALL HANDS GO UP]
Gee, Maybe We Are Alike After All!” - Peter Kauffman ‘Unrecognised Simplicities’
It’s funny to me how all of us think that we are all different. We are all similar no matter how different your circumstances are evolution has worked out the same for all of us. Almost everyone in the world would want to desire the 5 things listed by Mr Kauffman above.
Here’s the catch though none of these 5 things can be bought. Even though money can act as a means for you to achieve some of these things there is no way that money alone can get you all of these 5 things.
All of these arise out of one main factor. Which is having long lasting great relationships with other people.
This can be with any person that you interact with. Your employee’s, Your friends.Your spouse.Your customers. Your suppliers. It could be anyone. If you have a relationship which is a Win/Win for both the people your life is likely going to be great.
How do you get these relationships to be so great?
Well there’s this wonderful thing that stems from the mental model of reciprocation.
“A great relationship is not just finding the right partner, it’s being the right partner yourself.”
This is simple reciprocity. If you are a good person and do good things to other 98% of the time you are bound to get a good response.
Very rarely will someone grunt if you smile and say good morning to them in the elevator in the morning.
I believe in what Kauffman says. Create great long lasting relationships through reciprocity and the odds of you winning any game goes to the roof.
It is important to know one thing though. There are a lot of ways to win and a lot of people would win a lot quicker and might get richer/wealthier a lot quicker.
The question is how you want to win and how sustainable do you want it to be?
From whatever little I know, the best way to win is the way where you build long lasting relationships align them to the way the world works and let the world do the magic.
“So yes, I’m open to the idea that there’s more than one way to make money. But based on ‘opportunity cost’, I’m pretty close-minded about how I want to spend my one life. I want to have meaningful, celebratory relationships with all my counter parties, that’s how I want to spend my life.” - Peter Kauffman.
If you want the pdf of the Peter Kaufman lecture comment down below with your mail id i’ll comment down below.
Interesting find
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